Betekenis van:
raw data

raw data
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • unanalyzed data; data not yet subjected to analysis



    1. The raw data shall be presented in tabular form.
    2. All raw data used in the testing and calculations.
    3. Critically examine all data points and the appearance of the graphs, and check raw data and procedures for possible errors.
    4. availability in open access repositories (databases where raw research data can be accessed by anyone);
    5. raw data from all test rounds stated in terms of capacity and cleanness,
    6.  availability in open access repositories (databases where raw research data can be accessed by anyone);
    7. Service to derive application-oriented quantitative results that are not available from the raw data itself.
    8. The raw data will be collated and presented by the Commission.
    9. Characteristics and components of the raw statistical data used for compiling statistical aggregates.
    10. Member States shall submit the results of the investigation in the form of raw data using a data dictionary and data collection forms provided by the Commission.
    11. The Member States shall submit the results of the investigation in the form of raw data using a data dictionary and data collection forms provided by the Commission.
    12. The Member States shall submit the results of the survey in the form of raw data using a data dictionary and data collection forms provided by the Commission.
    13. The Commission has the following data on apparent consumption of raw float glass for the period 1997–2002:
    14. Are these raw materials deducted from or included in the data in column 1 of Table B?
    15. individual detailed data for each sample tested as part of the sampling plan; that information must be submitted in as raw data using the ‘Data Dictionary’ and the data collection forms provided for in Article 5(2).